Bread, possible help in case of intestinal inflammation
Científicos del Idibgi constatan el efecto prebiótico de los panes elaborados con harinas no refinadas, una propiedad que podría ser de utilidad para combatir la enfermedad de Crohn o la colitis ulcerosa
"We have found a pioneering method to detect colon cancer through microbiome"
Interview with Dr. Xavier Aldeguer, PhD specialist at Digestiu Girona and medical director of GoodGut
7 types of feces: what do they tell us about our health?
La clínica Bofill estrena una unitat de colon irritable (El Punt Avui 4/2/2018)
S’ofereix als pacients una atenció integral amb la participació d’un digestòleg, una nutricionista i un psicòleg. El diagnòstic inclou una prova no invasiva basada en l’anàlisi del perfil bacterià.
Let's talk about Irritable bowel disease
Interview with Dr.Xavier Aldeguer. TV program "Divendres" , TV3. 22/02/2017
I can't wait! in figures
2,525 toilets, 78 municipalities, 20 collaborating hospitals
Green light to a new system to detect colon cancer developed by GoodGut
The innovation of this new test lies in its ability to detect precancerous lesions in patients from a stool sample even before they experience symptoms
"We found a pioneering method for detecting colon cancer through microbes"
Xavier Aldeguer, gastroenterologist physician, researcher and founder of the biotechnology company GoodGut