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Exploratory techniques
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Gastroscopy or upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Through an elastic tube we observe, with direct vision through video camera, the aspect of the oesophagus, stomach and the first parts of the small bowel (duodenum). The findings are assessed and a biopsy made if required.
Vision of all the large bowel and final centimetres of the small bowel. It is the main exploration for the assessment of polyps and the screening of colon cancer.
Study of microbiota (Bacterial Flora)
Study of alterations in bacterial flora (dysbiosis) from stool samples. The analysis is based on research by the Digestive Department at the Josep Trueta Hospital and Good Gut biotech company.
Abdominal Ultrasonography
Assessment of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract.
Endoscopic Ultrasonography
This is a cutting-edge technique which combines endoscopy plus ultrasonography. It allows the viewing of some areas around the gut difficult to assess: The pancreas, gut wall thickness, and gives a new perspective of the liver and biliary tract.
Liver biopsy guided by ultrasonography
Some liver diseases require a biopsy to be diagnosed. We perform it with ultrasonography control and with a 12-hour monitoring to minimize any unlikely but possible complications.